City Council
Public Meeting Agenda and Document Center
Public Meeting Notices and Announcements
Request to Speak at a Public Meeting

You are NOT required to register in order to speak at a Bellbrook open public meeting, it is an option if you want to be noted on the agenda and called to speak formally.

NOTE:  Request to Speak forms must be submitted no later than 5pm the day of the meeting.  All others must be registered in person at the meeting.

Citizens may make comments during the following times of the meeting:

  • Citizen Comments (non-agenda item topics) - You may speak on any topic you wish to bring up following the Citizen Participation Guidelines
  • Citizens Registered to Speak on Agenda Items (comments about agenda-specific topics) - You may speak during the discussion of the agenda item prior to any action being taken by the public body.

You will be called on to speak at the appropriate time of the agenda.  Please provide your name and preferred contact information below for any follow up from the City. 

Click HERE to review the Citizen Participation Guidelines

Complete and Submit this form to request to speak at a public meeting. 
Select the meeting which you are requesting to speak at:
Meeting Date:
Topic or Agenda Item on which you wish to speak:
Are you speaking as the legal or authorized representative of an organization or group?
If Yes, please provide the name of your organization
I understand I have 5 minutes and have read the Rules of Decorum for Citizen Participation


Meeting agendas, minutes, ordinances, and resolutions for 2021 and earlier are posted below.  2022 meetings are located in the above windows.  Signed copies of all documents are located in the Clerk of Council's office.  The municipal code is available to view online.  For more information, visit the Municipal Code page.

Effective 2022, all meeting documents are available and searchable through the windows at the top of this page.  All 2021 and earlier meetings and documents will be uploaded into the MuniCode window above, and once complete, this section will be removed.  Regardless of online location, all original documents are available from the Clerk of Council.

Press the enter key or spacebar to expand or collapse the accordion

    Meeting agendas and minutes for the city's various boards are posted below.  Signed copies of all documents are available in the Clerk of Council's office.  For more information on the city's boards, visit the Boards & Commissions page.