City Council

Planning Board

The Planning Board consists of five members appointed by Council. The members are appointed to five-year terms. The Board meets on the third Thursday of the month at 6:00pm depending on cases. The Planning Board shall have the powers of zoning and the Bellbrook Charter may impose all the power and authority conferred upon city planning boards by the Ohio Revised Code and such other duties as upon it by the Municipal Administrative Code.

The duties of the Planning Board are as follows: initiate proposed amendments to the zoning ordinance, review all proposed amendments to the zoning ordinance and make recommendations to the City Council as specified in Article 21 of the Bellbrook Zoning Code, review all planned unit developments and make recommendations to the City Council provided in Article 17 of the Bellbrook Zoning Code, and perform other duties specified in the Zoning Ordinance.


Appointed to a limit of two five-year terms

Denny Bennett- 2nd Term, Expires 12/31/26 (Chair)
Dr. Dave Van Veldhuizen - 1st Term, Expires 12/31/26
Kyle Boehmer - 1st Term, Expires 12/31/28
William Dahling - 1st Term, Expires 12/31/28 
Timothy Tuttle - 1st Term, Expires 12/31/26 (Vice-Chair)

Agendas and Minutes
Agendas and Minutes