Comprehensive Plan Update: 2019

What is the Comprehensive Plan?
The city recently approved the first update to the 1974 Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan is a document that describes the history, current condition, and future vision for the community. It serves as a guide for future growth and development while promoting the health, safety and general welfare of the people.

Click HERE to Dowload the Updated Comprehensive Plan

Comprehensive Plan

What went into updating this plan?
The Planning Board conducted a Walkable Community Workshop in April of 2017, an online survey in the Spring of 2018 and a Community Vision meeting on November 5, 2018. Each of these were geared toward gathering public input in order to form our updated plan. After these initial events, Greene County Regional Planning began to formulate the plan. Once in draft form, it was presented to the Planning Board at their January 31, 2019 meeting. The draft was discussed and it the board decided to take additional time to digest the document. Planning Board met again on February 28, 2019 and unanimously recommended its approval to Council. City Council met on March 11, 2019 and also unanimously adopted the plan by resolution. 

2019 Comprehensive Plan
Click on the image below to access the most recent Comprehensive Plan document (updated in August 2020):

Comprehensive Plan
Downtown Bellbrook Walkable Community Workshop Report: 2017
The Greene County Regional Planning Commission has released the Downtown Bellbrook Walkable Community Workshop report. The workshop was held on April 12 where the city hosted over 40 residents and community leaders.  The workshop was a combined effort between the Greene County Regional Planning Commission, the Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission, and the City of Bellbrook.

The discussion focused on exploring elements of the downtown area that we can build on to create a more pedestrian friendly, walkable environment.  Attendees worked in groups to facilitate discussion and toured various parts of downtown.

The results of the workshop and this report will be incorporated into the city's comprehensive plan update.  The comprehensive plan update will occur over the next year and the city will provide more information as the process proceedes.

View the Downtown Bellbrook Walkable Community Workshop Report