What is the difference between a parcel number and a lot number?
Parcel numbers are assigned by the county auditor and lot numbers are assigned by the developer of the land. Every property has a parcel number, but only properties with a platted subdivision have lot numbers.
How far from the center of the road is the front property line?
Typically, the front property line is 25 feet from the centerline of a subdivision road or 10 feet from the edge of the road. It may be larger on major roads such as State Route 725.
How do I find my property lines?
Metal pins are placed at the corners of a property. Property pins are typically a 36 inch long metal rod usually at or below the ground surface. Pins can be found using metal detectors or by contacting a survey company.
Are there burning restrictions?
Yes, the Bellbrook Fire Department is responsible for enforcing the city's open burning regulations. Go to the Bellbrook Fire Department Open Burning Requirements page.
Who is responsible for neighborhood covenants and restrictions?
The City of Bellbrook has no authority or involvement in neighborhood covenants and restrictions. Typically, the covenants and restrictions are included with a development by the developer/builder. The neighborhood's Homeowners Association is responsible for enforcement of the covenants and restrictions.