Pipeline Inspection and Maintenance
Bellbrook has several gas pipelines that run through various parts of the city. These lines are operated and maintained by pipeline companies. Periodically, they inspect and perform maintenance in the right of way, which is the ground directly above the lines. Some of these lines and right of ways may include homeowner’s properties.
If you are affected by the pipelines, please be aware of the following items to ensure your safety.
- Know your pipeline markings. Examples of these markings can be seen here.
- Be on the lookout for leaking in the right of way. You can recognize a pipeline leak by sight, sound and smell. For more safety information, visit www.pipelinesafetyinfo.com. If you think there is a pipeline leak, call 9-1-1 immediately.
- Certain buildings and landscaping are prohibited from being placed in the right of way. Sheds, pools and playgrounds are not allowed to be built in the pipeline right of way. Some landscaping, such as the planting of shrubs and trees are also prohibited. Some exceptions may be allowed. To find out what landscaping is allowed in the right of way, contact the pipeline company at the phone number located on the nearest marker.
To find where the pipeline right of way is located on your property, you can contact a free location service by calling 811 or visit their website at www.call811.com.